Careers › Caterer

Career as Caterer

Caterers are people in the food service industry. They plan, coordinate and supervise the service of food and beverages at parties and social functions. A caterer may play the critical role of a chef, purchasing agent, personnel director and an accountant though generally we see a team operating in a catering firm.

Job Profile

Career as Caterer
The size of the catering firm determines the responsibilities.
A large catering firm
  • Organizes, plans events for a large number of people
  • They confer with the host to understand their needs
  • They undertake planning the menu, preparation of food, decorations and table lay out etc.
  • Service of food and coordinating with entertainment organizers is their role.
  • They prepare the charges and undertake cleaning up after the event.
Smaller caterers
  • Handle smaller events
  • May prepare food for upto 50-100 people for an informal event
  • Some caterers are engaged by industrial and office clients to supply meals as per orders placed with them
  • Some even supervise catering in a cafetaria.
Most caterers have storage facilities for service items such as crockery, cutlery, linen etc.

Employment Opportunities

Ample opportunities in industries like hotels, airlines, food research laboratories, food wholesalers, catering establishments, retailers and restaurants, food processing companies, tourist destinations, schools & colleges, hospitals, government offices etc.

How do I get there?

Though there are no specific educational or professional requirements the best way to enter is through a Hotel Management course.  Entry is after XII (any subject) through a written test.

NCHMCT JEE is conducted for admission to 21 Central Institutes of Hotel Management, 19 State Government Institutes of Hotel Management, one Public Sector Undertaking and 14 Private Institutes of Hotel Management affiliated with NCHMCT.

Eligibility: XII with Pass in English. Selection Merit & Rank in the All India Written Test.

Craft courses allow a noncompetitive entry after Class X.

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Content on this page is by Career Expert
Mrs. Kum Kum Tandon
MA (Psychology), M.Ed, Diploma in Educational Psychology, Vocational Guidance & Counseling (NCERT, Delhi) | View Complete Profile

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