Careers › Mathematician

Career as Mathematician

Mathematicians work in many different areas dealing with abstract and pure mathematical concepts, and apply mathematical knowledge to find practical solutions.

Job Profile

Career as Mathematician
Mathematicians work as theoretical or applied mathematicians.

Theoretical mathematicians

  • Study the relationship of mathematical forms and logical development of mathematical systems
  • Explore pure mathematical operations for investigating mathematical principles
Applied mathematicians
  • Apply mathematics to social sciences, physical sciences, life sciences and earth sciences for finding practical solutions
  • Seek to understand first the basic field where the principles of mathematics are to be used and then apply mathematical systems for analysis and study
Natural and mathematical scientists
  • Apply mathematics to Physical Science, Life science, Computers and Mathematical occupations, insurance, statistics and systems analysis for solving problems in business, health care, defense and other areas
Computer engineers
  • Develop computer application programs based on mathematical models
Operations research analysts
  • Use mathematical formulae to solve management and operational problems
Financial analysts
  • Study investment plans of financial, industrial, and banking institutions

Clock work

Theoretical Mathematicians work generally in teaching in Universities, colleges etc.
  • A large amount of their time is spent working alone on computers
  • They spend almost one third of their time reading journals, attending conferences or discussing with other mathematicians
  • Significant time is spent in professional communication i.e teaching and explaining.
Applied Mathematicians work in business settings
  • They work on specific projects in which they apply mathematical concepts to find solutions
  • 99% of the time is spend on fitting mathematical concepts to the expected outcomes.
  • Resilience to unsuccessful trials keeps them going
  • They spend some time in writing reports of their progress and development.
  • Tremendous intellectual challenge every moment of the job

Employment Opportunities

  • Operations research
  • Numerical analysis
  • Computer systems design
  • Software programming
  • Information and data processing
  • Aerodynamics
  • Astronomy and space exploration
  • Climate study
  • Medicine
  • National security
  • Robotics
  • Animated films
  • In a wide range of businesses
  • Applied physics
  • Robotics
  • Market research
  • Population studies and commercial surveys
  • Industrial research and development.
  • Teaching
  • Research
  • DST
  • NAL
  • Demand Media Studios

How do I get there?

  • Std XII

    Stream:Sc PCM

  • IntegratedDe...


  • PhD (Optional)

    Maths/ Applied Maths

  • Goal


*BITS Pilani and IITs, NIT's offer five year integrated courses after XII with Maths.
**Graduate courses in Pure/Applied Maths and Statistics is being offered by most Universities

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Content on this page is by Career Expert
Mrs. Kum Kum Tandon
MA (Psychology), M.Ed, Diploma in Educational Psychology, Vocational Guidance & Counseling (NCERT, Delhi) | View Complete Profile

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