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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Mohit Das

Beginner-Level 1

Why not if she still able to read & write though even after so many years. Remember one thing in this world None can stop you to being educated especially when you are willing to do so no matter how much your current age or any long interval p
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Manish Sorout

Beginner-Level 4

Today there is so much need for IT students so you have to focus first on practical knowledge except theoretical because there is vast scope in computer engineering specially in india so keep it up and all the best for your future endeavours
0 Follower 6 Views

Akash Singh

Beginner-Level 3

If I talk about your career journey it not up to date, if you grow your career in the management field you can go with the MBA because MBA have the good career opportunities and future growth and also you are eligible for the MBA, go for the t
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

Please write about the college name for better response.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Muskan Middha

Contributor-Level 6

Candidates should be aged between 18 to 35 years to apply for UPTET exam. However, there is no limit for the number of attempts that a candidate can take for UPTET exam.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Muskan Middha

Contributor-Level 6

Yes definitely you can apply for a clerical job at the age of 40. Not only clerical jobs, you can also apply for other government. Jobs at the age of 40 such as PA, Junior Manager, state PSC and many more.
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Snigdha Kumar

Contributor-Level 8

You may appear in the exam at the minimum age of 15.7 years however, you must complete 16 years during the commencement of the course.
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Snigdha Kumar

Contributor-Level 8

MBA is a professional course which gives you more job opportunities and career exposure. Thus, Age doesn't matter for the MBA considering if at this age you are in a job or have prior work experience in either case it benefits you.