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0 Follower 34 Views

Sandeep DUBEY

Beginner-Level 5

We are done with GD-PI of coming batch and we take admission only through CAT.
0 Follower 32 Views

Sandeep DUBEY

Beginner-Level 5

Since there are more opening and opportunities for marketing student, but you can also take finance as placement of finance student were good.
0 Follower 25 Views

Sandeep DUBEY

Beginner-Level 5

HR placement was good this year. Company that came for that profile were VKC, Tata finance, Himalaya.
0 Follower 40 Views

Sandeep DUBEY

Beginner-Level 5

If your dad is in army then its ok if not they consider other as civilian and they accept only CAT. We are over with GD-PI of coming batch.
0 Follower 39 Views

Sandeep DUBEY

Beginner-Level 5

Yes, we do have good placement records of previous years.
1 Follower 311 Views

Avi Shekhar

Contributor-Level 6

It depends what you want, a good brand or good government college. Institute and placements should not be your first priority, goal ahead with IIT. IIT has a good brand value and it is sure fruitful. If not today, it will definitely help you o
0 Follower 91 Views

Sandeep DUBEY

Beginner-Level 5

If you have filled the college application.?
1 Follower 44 Views

Sandeep DUBEY

Beginner-Level 5

Yes, they are making the AIMK a Wi-Fi enabled campus.
0 Follower 114 Views

Sandeep DUBEY

Beginner-Level 5

No, AIMK only accepts CAT score.
1 Follower 147 Views

Sandeep DUBEY

Beginner-Level 5

Anywhere in the Group Discussion, the topic is always a common one related to current affairs. Otherwise, there are some easy topics which are generally related to your normal reaction.