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Mayank Vashisht

Contributor-Level 10

Alexander College provides financial awards for students who excel in their chosen fields of study. These awards, each worth CAD 1,250 (INR 77,128) are available every academic term. If you perform exceptionally well in your degree, you may qu
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Mayank Vashisht

Contributor-Level 10

Getting into Wilfrid Laurier University might cost more than enrolling at Alexander College. The initial tuition for international students pursuing an undergraduate programme at Wilfrid Laurier is approximately INR 14.9 lakh, and for postgrad
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Mayank Vashisht

Contributor-Level 10

Indeed, an average student from tier 2/tier 3 cities can surely join Alexander College, however, it is mandatory for the student to satisfy the eligibility criteria. Students seeking admission at Alexander College for undergraduate courses are
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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

The overall seats available across all courses offered by Alexander College is up to 360. Good thing to know is that Alexander College has courses which are approved by prominent Government bodies like AICTE.
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Mayank Vashisht

Contributor-Level 10

Alexander College in Canada welcomes applicants from across the globe, enrolling over 2,000 students annually. Of these, nearly 31% are international students hailing from over 50 different countries, with approximately 100 coming from India.
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Mayank Vashisht

Contributor-Level 10

Alexander College is located in British Columbia, Canada and offers a diverse range of undergraduate programmes across various fields such as computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, Commerce, film studies, philosophy, history, sociology
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Mayank Vashisht

Contributor-Level 10

Alexander College is a private institution located in Vancouver and Burnaby, Canada. The institute has accreditation from various prestigious bodies such as the Degree Quality Assurance Board (DQAB), BC Ministry of Advanced Education, and the
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Mayank Vashisht

Contributor-Level 10

Alexander College offers a wide range of undergraduate courses across an array of fields such as Arts and Humanities Economics,  Management,  Accounting,  Psychology,  Statistical Analytics and others. Alexander C
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Mayank Vashisht

Contributor-Level 10

Alexander University has no information about postgraduate courses on its official website. The college offers a wide range of courses from undergraduate to associate programme levels. The duration of these courses can be course-specific, howe
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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Ontario Tech University is popular for its UG and PG programs while at Alexander College, applicants can learn only UG programs. Ontario is an older university than Alexander and the ranking of Ontario university is also higher than Alexander