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0 Follower 124 Views

Siddharth Dutta

Beginner-Level 5

Hi Bithika,
If you sit for placements, have should have decent track record in academics with no backlogs to clear than you are sure to be placed.
0 Follower 236 Views

Siddharth Dutta

Beginner-Level 5

Hi Kaushiki,
Amity is ranked among the top colleges for B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication. It has great exposure, with a built in studio and a radio station as well. College provides internship opportunities across the media industry, a
0 Follower 64 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
VIKRAM SONI Mentor , Artist , Social worker, Traveller

Scholar-Level 16

You need to appear for English grammar test and creative test of 3 hours.
If you are bad at drawing than you need to keep practising because this is a creative field and you should be good at sketching.
All the best.