a year ago
What is the eligibility to get admission in Apollo College of Education for UG/PG courses?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Apollo College of Education has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses: CoursesEligibilityB.EdCandidates should have secured 45% of marks in U.G. degree and in P.G. degree a minimum pass is required for admission.
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Apollo College of Education has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses: CoursesEligibilityB.EdCandidates should have secured 45% of marks in U.G. degree and in P.G. degree a minimum pass is required for admission.
In the case of candidates belonging to SC and ST communities, a pass in the relevant UG degree course is enough, irrespective of the number of attempts.
In the case of handicapped (both physical and visual) candidates, a minimum pass in the degree is required.
Candidates who have done their U.G. degree in Applied Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry or Applied Physics can apply for Chemistry and Physics optional respectively in B.Ed., those who have done Environmental Science and Micro-Biology can apply Biology optional in B.Ed. and similarly, candidates with Applied Geography in UG degree can apply for Geography optional.
Candidates who have taken more than one main subject in part III (Double of Triple major) of the U.G. degree have to choose only one of the main subjects and apply for that optional in B.Ed.
In the case of candidates belonging to SC and ST communities, a pass in the relevant UG degree course is enough, irrespective of the number of attempts.
In the case of handicapped (both physical and visual) candidates, a minimum pass in the degree is required.
Candidates who have done their U.G. degree in Applied Chemistry, Bio-Chemistry or Applied Physics can apply for Chemistry and Physics optional respectively in B.Ed., those who have done Environmental Science and Micro-Biology can apply Biology optional in B.Ed. and similarly, candidates with Applied Geography in UG degree can apply for Geography optional.
Candidates who have taken more than one main subject in part III (Double of Triple major) of the U.G. degree have to choose only one of the main subjects and apply for that optional in B.Ed.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Apollo College of Education has courses such as B.Ed which are primarily in the stream of Teaching & Education.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Courses offerred by Apollo College of Education are approved by eminent Government bodies like NCTE. The combined seats available for courses offered at Apollo College of Education goes up to 100.