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2 Followers 233 Views

Umang Nileshkumar Patel

Contributor-Level 7

Yes, you will get admission probably. Still can't be sure. ACPC handles this.
0 Follower 283 Views

Umang Nileshkumar Patel

Contributor-Level 7

Sorry, but you need 200+ score to get admission.
0 Follower 151 Views

Umang Nileshkumar Patel

Contributor-Level 7

MBA degree is offered. Highest package is Rs 6.15 lakhs and 2-3 companies come for the finance job and for marketing there are more than 20.
0 Follower 196 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

If you belong to general category, then your chances are less. But if you are from any scheduled category like SC, ST or OBC you will get admission.
0 Follower 105 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

It will be around 80 percentile.
0 Follower 187 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

Minimum scores will be decided on the basis of number of students who want to take admission in BKSBM in that category. Admission process for BKSBM is carried out by ACPC. So, please be updated with it.
0 Follower 91 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

If you belong from general category, then your chances are not there. If any reserved category then you will get an admission.
0 Follower 102 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

You have less chances if I consider previous year trends.
0 Follower 219 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

With this score, you will surely get admission in B.K. School of Business Management.
1 Follower 163 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

You have less chances if I consider previous year trends.