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0 Follower 106 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

Admission process for BKSBM is carried out by ACPC every year. They will release dates for application and online application form. Get in touch with ACPC website.
0 Follower 132 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

Expected cut-off is 95% in CMAT or above.
0 Follower 99 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

Your chances are much less.Still try your luck and apply for the college through ACPC.
1 Follower 237 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

For general category, the cut-off is 94 percentile.
0 Follower 151 Views

Umang Nileshkumar Patel

Contributor-Level 7

Admission will start in April or May. You will get advertisement in local newspaper as well as look for ACPC on Google and in that MBA section.
0 Follower 154 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

Most probably in the month of June by ACPC.
0 Follower 136 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

You have good chances of getting into maritime management program of BKSBM. As far as placements are concerned, visit B.K and ask maritime students they will be able to answer with exact information.
0 Follower 159 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

You are eligible to apply for BK. Only CMAT scores are considered in admission process which is conducted by ACPC on behalf of BKSBM. But, you have no chance to get into BK from my experience if I consider scores you have got.
0 Follower 103 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

Yes, lecture are conducted regularly. School do provides placements every year but it also depends on quality and performance of the students of every batch.
0 Follower 63 Views

Monali Patadiya

Contributor-Level 8

You don't have any chance to get into it. Average cut-off in terms of percentile goes around 94% every year. With this score, I am sure you may have got percentile below 90 if I consider this years CMAT scores.