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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Umang Patel

Contributor-Level 8

Admission process will start in May. Once they start it, they finish it in 20-22 days depending upon public holidays and weekends.
In this process, everything from merit list preparation to mock round and first round allotment is covered. Yo
0 Follower 76 Views

Abhi Abhi

Beginner-Level 4

HI Vinayak, there are colleges who are having mentor ship program to help students select the specialization in the 2nd year based on the individuals performance, there skill set & the strength of the student. One of such college in Ahmedabad
0 Follower 30 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Deepak,
Only the score of CMAT matters in the admission process. With 100 marks, if you're in SC category, then there are very less chance, if you are in ST category, the there are very good chance.
Thank you.
0 Follower 101 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Umang Patel

Contributor-Level 8

If you opt for marketing then you will be given an opportunity to work in the sales department for first 2-3 years.
There you job may be but not limited to will be as follows:
1) Selling products to customers and/or business owners.
2) Digita
0 Follower 226 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Varshil,
I hope you are talking about Part Time. If it is part time, then you'll have to take permission from the admin. But it is advisable from the faculties not to do so. But still, there can be relaxations.
Thank you.
0 Follower 853 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Robin,
FOR MARITIME MANAGEMENT ONLY - Around 80% of the students gets placed every year with the highest package around 4.2-4.7 lac/year, and average package of around 3.3-3.6 lac/year. Maritime Companies like APM Terminals, Essar, Adani,
0 Follower 280 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Umang,
The chances are very bright. As per the cutoff of last year, you should get admission. So, there are 95% chances that you'll get admission.
Thank you.
0 Follower 71 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Pranlal,
No, Only CMAT is accepted in BK.
Thank you.
1 Follower 77 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Dimpy,
No. Only General MBA (HR, Marketing, Finance and Operations) and Maritime MBA is available.
Thank you.
0 Follower 83 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ronak Dumasia

Contributor-Level 7

Dear Bardana,
Last year's cutoff for General Category was 180 Marks. You're eligible, but you wont clear the cutoff. But you can apply for B.K. and all other CMAT colleges in Gujarat by going through the link