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0 Follower 58 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Guide-Level 14

You should directly contact the university for the admission process.
0 Follower 37 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shabana Bee

Scholar-Level 17

You can do BA in English from distance education. You are eligible for the same.
Good luck.
0 Follower 44 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Diwakar Goel Let there be light where it is dark!!🌞🌞

Scholar-Level 16

For doing LLM you will have to first do an LLB without which you can not directly enroll there. Since you are already graduate you are eligible for 3 year law only and then prepare for entrance exam for LLM which is of 1 year.
0 Follower 59 Views

Sahil Rana

Guide-Level 15

Bachelor of Arts (BA) is a 3-year undergraduate degree offered in India, the minimum eligibility for admission to which is passing in Intermediate or 10+2 level from a recognized board or university. The course is generally offered in Liberal
0 Follower 77 Views

Sushant Sharma

Scholar-Level 16

Yes, you are eligible for the course.
1 Follower 25 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vikas Kaushik Engineer | Author

Scholar-Level 17

Hi Koku La,
If you are looking for a distance education from India check IGNOU, it is most widely accepted and recognized. I don't think nationality will have any problem since distance programs are open to all be it IGNOUR or Bhuvaneshwari Co
0 Follower 55 Views

Sushant Sharma

Scholar-Level 16

Hi Satish,
You can apply directly to the college. Please find the link below:
0 Follower 82 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Diwakar Goel Let there be light where it is dark!!🌞🌞

Scholar-Level 16

It's how you plan your retirement. If you want to become a professor, then sure LLM would be best. And, if you are happy and satisfied with what you are doing now, then its won't make much difference.