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Harsh Vardhan Singh Deora

Contributor-Level 10

Bihar Flying Institute has not explicitly mentioned about the fees structure, but as per some reviews of the students, the total tution fees for this course is around 1 lacs. This only the tution fees and other fees such as hostel, transportat
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Ankhi bhattacharya

Contributor-Level 7

College: India's Second Oldest Flying Institute who gives the best Commercial Pilots to the aviation Industries. The fees of Commercial Pilot Training (CPL) at flying Institute is around Rs 1,00,000.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Manish Jaiswal

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, Bihar Flying Institute conducts ground classes for CPL.India's Second oldest Flying Institute gives the best Commercial Pilots to aviation Industries. The fees of Commercial Pilot Training (CPL) at Flying Institute is around Rs 1,00,000.E
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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Bihar Flying Institute has courses such as Certificate which are primarily in the stream of Aviation.

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