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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Chandana Group of Institutions provide good facilities all around the campus such as Auditorium, Cafeteria, Girls Hostel, Gym, Hospital / Medical Facilities, Hostel, Labs, Library, Sports Complex, Wi-Fi Campus.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Chandana Group of Institutions offers courses such as B.Sc., B.Ed, GNM in the stream of Nursing, Teaching & Education. Chandana Group of Institutions has specializations such as GNM specializations in General Nursing & Midwifery.
a year ago
What is the eligibility to get admission in Chandana Group of Institutions for UG/PG courses?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Chandana Group of Institutions has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses: CoursesEligibilityB.Sc.Candidate must have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognised school/board.B.EdCandidate who have passed in t
Chandana Group of Institutions has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses: CoursesEligibilityB.Sc.Candidate must have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognised school/board.B.EdCandidate who have passed in the Master's Degree with at least 50% aggregate marks from a recognised Institute/ University are also eligible.
Candidates possessing MBBS/ BSC (AG)/ BVSC/ BHMT/ B.Pharm and such other professional and job oriented degree courses Viz., LLB or a Master's Degree without having undertaken undergraduate study are not eligible.
Candidate should have completed the age of 19 years as on 1st July of the year in which notification is issued. There shall be no maximum age limit.GNMRegistered ANM with pass mark.
Candidates possessing MBBS/ BSC (AG)/ BVSC/ BHMT/ B.Pharm and such other professional and job oriented degree courses Viz., LLB or a Master's Degree without having undertaken undergraduate study are not eligible.
Candidate should have completed the age of 19 years as on 1st July of the year in which notification is issued. There shall be no maximum age limit.GNMRegistered ANM with pass mark.
a year ago
What kind of specializations are available in courses offered at Chandana Group of Institutions?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Chandana Group of Institutions offers Degree and Diploma courses including 3 UG course. These programs are offerred in Full Time mode. Chandana Group of Institutions has specializations such as GNM specializations in General Nursing & Midwifer
Chandana Group of Institutions offers Degree and Diploma courses including 3 UG course. These programs are offerred in Full Time mode. Chandana Group of Institutions has specializations such as GNM specializations in General Nursing & Midwifery.
a year ago
How much is the intake across all courses being offerred at Chandana Group of Institutions?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
The overall seats available across all courses offered by Chandana Group of Institutions is up to 180. Good thing to know is that Chandana Group of Institutions has courses which are approved by prominent Government bodies like INC, NCTE.