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Falak pjp

Beginner-Level 5

Both the colleges provide different courses with different fee stucture. The choice between both the college depends on individual interest, skills, and affordability. Magadh University and Bihar institute of law are both good colleges. 
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Yashika Saini

Contributor-Level 7

Total strength (UG) in B.Sc is 256. In this B.Com (vocational course) has 250 seats, B.B.A (Semester wise)vocational has 60 seats, BCA in B.A. (semester wise) vocational has 40 seats, BCA in B.Sc. (Semester wise)vocational has 40 seats and BSW
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Saket Thakur

Contributor-Level 6

The College of Commerce, Arts & Science (COCAS) in Patna, Bihar, India, established in 1949 is a constituent unit and post graduate center of Magadh University, Bodh Gaya.  The University Grants Commission (UGC) recognizes COCAS unde
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Saket Thakur

Contributor-Level 6

The expenses associated with studying at the College of Commerce, Arts and Science, Magadh University can vary based on the course and academic level. Here are some details concerning the cost of education at the college:The annual tuition fee
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Saket Thakur

Contributor-Level 6

The College of Commerce, Arts and Science, Magadh University (COCAS) has decent placements.  About 60-70% of students get placed in their courses. The lowest salary offered was Rs 50,000 per month, and the highest salary package offe