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Kashish raj

Contributor-Level 6

Crypto Cipher Academy provides undergraduate diplomas in sound engineering and music production, with a maximum of 20 students per cohort. The school, which has 6 seats in Sound Engineering and 6 seats in Music Production, focuses on industry
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Contributor-Level 6

Yes, getting admission in Crypto Cipher Academy for UG Diploma is very easy. One can get admission without taking any entrance exams and tests. If you want to get admission in Crypto Cipher Academy for UG Diploma in Sound engineering and Music
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Gurlin Kaur

Beginner-Level 4

After completing certificate course from Crypto Cipher Academy job opportunities are:CryptographerCyber security Security consultant Software developerBlock chain devloper Researcher
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Contributor-Level 6

There is no scholarships programs for UG Diploma at Crypto Cipher Academy for the courses Music Production and Sound Engineering.One has to pay the total fee of the course. There may be chance of concession in the fee to one who performs well