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0 Follower 90 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
ANAND KUMAR Persuing Btech degree.

Contributor-Level 6

There is no fees. It is same as OBC and General categories but your scholarship will come.
0 Follower 260 Views

Akshay Bajaj

Guide-Level 14

This is a very college specific question, to know the exact details, I would recommend you to connect with the college authorities.
0 Follower 50 Views

Akshay Bajaj

Guide-Level 14

The Cusrow Wadia Institute of Technology, Pune, India was founded by the Modern Education Society of Pune. The Society itself was started by Prin. V. K. Joag, an eminent educationalist, and Sir Cusrow Wadia, a well-known industrialist.
[1] The
1 Follower 20 Views

vinod vedwal enjoy the every moment

Contributor-Level 6

It is around INR 40000.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Srushti Sawant

Beginner-Level 3

MIT pune is good option. I have heard about that college so much. n dear admission process will begin soon after FE result announced.