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0 Follower 5 Views

Arindam Mondal

Contributor-Level 7

A number of crucial actions and preparations must be made in order to be admitted to the Deccan Education Society's Institute of Film and Television (DES-IFT) for the Professional Diploma in Broadcast Journalism: Recognize the Program Requirem
0 Follower 6 Views

Arindam Mondal

Contributor-Level 7

The exact curriculum, length, and other variables can affect the cost of UG (Undergraduate) courses at the Deccan Education Society's Institute of Film and Television (DES IFT). Unfortunately, it's difficult to give an accurate amount without
0 Follower 4 Views

Arindam Mondal

Contributor-Level 7

The following procedures must normally be followed in order to pursue a PG Diploma at the Deccan Education Society's Institute of Film and Television (DES-IFT): 1. Please review the eligibility requirements. Make sure you fulfill the requireme
0 Follower 10 Views

Sekhar Sonari

Beginner-Level 5

Deccan Education Society's Institute of Film and Television is one of the top colleges near Film & Television Institute of India. It offers various courses in the feild of Film & Television. Some of the courses are Diploma in Television Produc
0 Follower 18 Views


Beginner-Level 4

The Deccan Education Society's Institute of Film and Television (DESIFT) offers various courses, including:1. UG Diploma:   - Diploma in Television Production (Digital Film Making)   - Diploma in Media Management  &nbs