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1 Follower 724 Views

Niranjan Joshi

Contributor-Level 8

According to last year, cutoff for open category in CAP round 2 was 97.3 percentile for other than home university candidates. Hope this will help you. Thank you
0 Follower 163 Views

Niranjan Joshi

Contributor-Level 8

As per CAP Round 1, the cutoffs for open category(Assuming you are general candidate) are 97.5 percentile. You have got fair chance in second or counseling round. Hope for the best! thank you.
0 Follower 174 Views

Shashank Dhanorkar

Contributor-Level 9

It is difficult to tell exact details of freshers. however, placement was good last year. Highest package was Rs.8.4 lpa and average package was Rs.5.30 lpa.
0 Follower 244 Views

Shashank Dhanorkar

Contributor-Level 9

State rank is used for the admission,1214 was the cut-off state rank and 94.82 was cut-off percentile for Home university students.
0 Follower 108 Views

Shashank Dhanorkar

Contributor-Level 9

State General rank will be used if you are Maharashtra student or All India rank in case you are applying from All India Quota.
0 Follower 96 Views

Shashank Dhanorkar

Contributor-Level 9

Placement was good last year. Highest package was Rs.8.4 lpa and average package was Rs.5.30 lpa.
0 Follower 197 Views

Niranjan Joshi

Contributor-Level 8

As per reports 92 % of last year's batch got placed. Highest ctc offered was Rs.8.40 lpa and average ctc was Rs.5.27lpa. College provides hostel to 10 students based on merit list. The hostel is located in the university itself.
0 Follower 188 Views

Niranjan Joshi

Contributor-Level 8

Yes you are eligible for admission in PUMBA. As per last year cutoff you can get PUMBA. There is placement assistance provided by college in which companies will come to campus and recruit students. College also provides tests and training of
0 Follower 177 Views

Shashank Dhanorkar

Contributor-Level 9

At 45 marks you can not get PUMBA. Last year's cut off was 98 percentile.
0 Follower 181 Views

Niranjan Joshi

Contributor-Level 8

PUMBA or welingkar it depends on various factors such as roi specialization you are opting for etc. Thank you.