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0 Follower 21 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Parveen Kumar Sharma Communication Skills Expert; Career and Life Coach

Guide-Level 14

As you are already doing the Bachelors degree in Journalism and Mass Communication, you shall just need to complete this and be eligible for Mass Comm- Master degree.
A Bachelor Degree, in any stream, is sufficient for a Master Degree in Journa
0 Follower 26 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shabana Bee

Scholar-Level 17

AIMS Institutes, Bangalore. Eligibility for MBA Program: The prospective applicant must satisfy one of the following eligibility criteria for admissions to the MBA programme. A graduate degree under 10+2+3 or 10+2+4 pattern under any disciplin
0 Follower 92 Views

Ritu Bhandari

Scholar-Level 16

1. Directorate of Distance Education, Alagappa University, KaraikudiShortlist
MBA in Banking and Finance
PG Degree | Distance/Correspondence | Duration - 2 years
2. Alagappa University, KaraikudiShortlist
MBA in Banking and Insurance
PG Degree |
0 Follower 95 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

Basic eligibility requires its Candidates to be a graduate from any recognized university.
Interested candidates can apply directly to the university or through any one of the approved learning centers. For further details regarding this course
0 Follower 71 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Kishore,
I think you will be able to take admission for second course in parallel with your BE in an open university. But just make sure that you do not give any wrong declaration while filling up forms. Study in any area including psycho
0 Follower 55 Views

Priyanka Singhal

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Sasikalah!
You cannot pursue any Masters course while you are still pursuing Bachelors. You need to finish your graduation first.
0 Follower 59 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Adhi,
Normally speaking one can do only one course at a time in normal brick & mortar college. But in case you want to pursue additional course via distance education then you can definitely do it. Just make sure that when you fill up for
1 Follower 68 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Asha,
Firstly, do not get worried. You are doing MA via distance mode in itself is very creditable. All open or distance learning universities conduct exams twice in a year. Hence just look out for the announcement, fill up the form and a
0 Follower 91 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Mariya,
For a dentiste or physician, its always good to study psychology. It helps in becoming better in one's chosen profession. With psychology, one can understand patients better and then of course treat them better and .make them fitt
1 Follower 78 Views

rahul r

Scholar-Level 18

Yes, you can enroll for Post Graduate Diploma in Sports Management from Directorate of Distance Education, Alagappa University.
Interested candidates can apply directly to the university or through any one of the approved learning centers. Basi