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Beginner-Level 5

Yes you can get the call from fms because your vat score is 99percentile and fms only want good CAT score.
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Masuma Shaikh

Contributor-Level 7

If you have completed your articleship then it adds as your experience. But since you have cleared only group1 it would not be considered important. It will be better for you to clear group 2 as well and then go for FMS and IIMA.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Durgesh NA

Contributor-Level 7

The candidates should have at least five years of experience as an executive or an administrator in a commercial/government establishment/registered organisation after passing the Bachelor's degree examination.
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Archita garg

Contributor-Level 7

The high RoI B-school of Delhi University, Faculty of Management Studies (FMS) Delhi is opening its application process in October for MBA Admission 2023. FMS Delhi will accept CAT 2022 score for admission 2023 in its MBA (Full-Time), MBA Exec
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Sakshi Sharma

Contributor-Level 6

If your son is not willing to join MBA , there is no big issue because he is having that much caliber that he crack any interview easily. If he is losing confidence, and for this reason he is taking back step, he must be taken for counselling
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Keshav Gumber

Beginner-Level 1

No, you can not apply as faculty in University of Delhi (FMS) because the criteria for that is MBBS with minimum 65 to 70 percent marks or equivalent grades respectively, and also have to obtain any national level fellowship.
1 Follower 29 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Megha Kumari

Beginner-Level 5

Yes, you are eligible. The minimum CAT percentile must be between 70-80.
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Pranmoi Mazumdar

Beginner-Level 5

For MBA minimum 50-55% is required to get addmission into a good college. May be some private colleges may accept less the 50% .
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Vikas Shetty

Beginner-Level 3

Start immediately in any renowned institution.
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Nilesh Nahar

Contributor-Level 7

Yes,12th marks are not important for MBA Admission. You get admission to MBA institute on the basis of CAT marks.