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0 Follower 3 Views

Rahul Chaudhary

Contributor-Level 6

Maybe yes, or not because it's depends on the FMS that you want to choose, because you got less marks in your B.A. And that's a distance degree also.
0 Follower 23 Views

Sonima Dwivedi

Contributor-Level 6

No, it's not very difficult to get admission in top B schools because the entrance exam is considered for admission not the academic background of a candidate.
0 Follower 42 Views

Anjali Mishra

Contributor-Level 6

No, it won't be a problem as you match the require eligibility.
0 Follower 367 Views

Yash Jain

Beginner-Level 5

With 90 percentile in CAT you can get admission in FMS. For SC category the criteria of FMS is between 50 to 80 percentile.
3 Followers 705 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vinay kr Pandey Simple but significant

Scholar-Level 16

Dear aspirant,
MBA after MTech is a great idea for those who want to gain valuable business and technical skills and thrive in the competitive IT industry. It will boost your career opportunities as well as provide you with a higher salary pack
0 Follower 5 Views

rishabh rathore

Beginner-Level 4

Where you are doing MBA in executive if you are going to do it from DAVV a non cet program are their no cutoff requirement only selection is done during council procedure
0 Follower 13 Views

Vinay Khatri

Beginner-Level 5

. The semester fee is currently approximately Rs.48,000 for MBA programmes, per each semester. Yes it do provide placement support.
0 Follower 22 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

Your academic background is good enough for FMS Delhi. The selection criteria of FMS Delhi for MBA Admission are given below. Selection Criteria: From the list of candidates shortlisted for the Interview Process, admission to the MBA Full Time
1 Follower 92 Views

Arshiya Singh

Scholar-Level 16

The fee structure of the programme is Rs. 1,90,000 per semester without any scholarship for the 2022-23 session. However, LPU provides very good scholarships to bright students based on good academic records, sports, or extracurricular activit
0 Follower 540 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vinay kr Pandey Simple but significant

Scholar-Level 16

Yes, you can get into IIMs. However old IIMs are going to be difficult, you can definitely aim for new and baby IIMs.
You need to score high in CAT.
You should also sit for other exams like IIFT XAT SNAP etc.