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0 Follower 126 Views

Neethu Shaju

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, you can provided you are there on the merit list.
1 Follower 374 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Govind Sharma HR, startup entrepreneurs, career blogger

Guide-Level 14

No, Ferguson College offers BA, B.Sc, MA, M.Sc, MCA, M.Tech, B.Vocational and other certificate programmes only.
0 Follower 329 Views

Shiladitya Roy

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Akshay,
I actually don't know about the college you mentioned, whether it's good for B.Sc in physics or not. But what I know is that St. Xavier's College, Kolkata is really very good for that particular course. Presently, SXCKOL is the best
0 Follower 141 Views

pritam kashyap

Beginner-Level 4

Yes, of course and even botany is also very good. After pursuing B.Sc in zoology, you can become professor, zoological manger and help animal to live and explore life and study nature, teacher, animal expert, scientist etc.
0 Follower 213 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Govind Sharma HR, startup entrepreneurs, career blogger

Guide-Level 14

Cut-off is anywhere between 80% -85% for open category students. If you are not a domicile of Maharashtra, then it is more than 90%.
0 Follower 142 Views

John Desouza

Contributor-Level 9

Please visit the official website of Fergusson College for this information. You can also call them for this information, to get their contact number please visit: