a year ago
What is the eligibility to get admission in Gayatri Group of Institutions for UG/PG courses?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Gayatri Group of Institutions has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses: CoursesEligibilityMBA/PGDMCandidate must have completed bachelor degree of 3/4 years duration with above mentioned marks from any recognised Univer
Gayatri Group of Institutions has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses: CoursesEligibilityMBA/PGDMCandidate must have completed bachelor degree of 3/4 years duration with above mentioned marks from any recognised University/Institute.
45% marks for BC categories.
Candidate who are appearing for the final year degree examination are also be eligible.
Degree obtained by Distance Mode Program should have recognition by Joint Committee of UGC, AICTE and DEC/DEB.
Candidate who passed all the subjects of the three years of any Degree course in one sitting is not eligible for admission.
45% marks for BC categories.
Candidate who are appearing for the final year degree examination are also be eligible.
Degree obtained by Distance Mode Program should have recognition by Joint Committee of UGC, AICTE and DEC/DEB.
Candidate who passed all the subjects of the three years of any Degree course in one sitting is not eligible for admission.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Gayatri Group of Institutions has courses such as B.Sc. to offer. These courses are in the stream of Science. Gayatri Group of Institutions has specializations such as B.Sc. specializations in Zoology, Botany.
a year ago
How can I get into Gayatri Group of Institutions for UG/PG courses? Am I eligible for admission?
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Gayatri Group of Institutions has below criteria for taking admissions to it's various courses: CoursesEligibilityB.Sc.Candidate must have passed 10+2 in Science stream with above mentioned marks from any recognised Board/Council.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Gayatri Group of Institutions has courses such as MBA/PGDM which are primarily in the stream of Business & Management Studies.
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Atul MishraCurrent Student
Beginner-Level 1
Gayatri Group of Institutions offers Degree courses including 2 UG course. These programs are offerred in Full Time mode. Gayatri Group of Institutions has specializations such as B.Sc. specializations in Zoology, Botany.