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0 Follower 61 Views

Naresh Jhawar

Contributor-Level 6

Please appear for CAT and secure a good percentile for IIMs.
1 Follower 55 Views

Naresh Jhawar

Contributor-Level 6

Fee structure: 21 lacs + mess fees.
0 Follower 69 Views

IIMK kochi

Beginner-Level 3

Dear Anijant,
Which programme you are referring to?
1 Follower 50 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shiva Reddy Education Adviser

Contributor-Level 9

To get into IIM's one should a minimum experience of 2 years, and for some other courses one should have 3 and more years of experience.
0 Follower 17 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Mukul Singh Yadav

Guide-Level 13

Hello, 1 lakh in dollar is 1359 dollar.
0 Follower 438 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Rudra Shaurya Plastic Mould Design Engineer

Guide-Level 15

Your marks are fair but you would still need to score 99.4%+ in order to secure a call from IIM.
0 Follower 145 Views

Naresh Jhawar

Contributor-Level 6

You are eligible for PGP Course.
0 Follower 75 Views

Naresh Jhawar

Contributor-Level 6

There is no specialisation as such. One can take electives as per choice and become a specialist in that field.
0 Follower 113 Views

Naresh Jhawar

Contributor-Level 6

For IIMB, percentile around 95-100 would be enough, but it depends on various other factors which changes every year.
0 Follower 206 Views

Naresh Jhawar

Contributor-Level 6

Admission in IIMB depends on whether you have received a call. If you don't receive a call, you can't get admission in IIMB.