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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sunil Soni Management & IT Consultant

Scholar-Level 18

IIM - Indore does not offer BBA course. It offers 5 years integrated program in management.
0 Follower 185 Views

Shankar Singh

Contributor-Level 7

Please see the website of the institute
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Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

Sorry for the late reply. The scenario, actually, is very different for different individuals. How IIM Indore is going to suit you will depend on a lot of things like what kind domain you want to work in, what do you expect from this institute
0 Follower 47 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Suresh Babu Cheelapogu Sr.Consultant - Management

Scholar-Level 16

Dear Mukul Gore,
Normally, wherever you claim that you belong to OBC, you have to produce all the certificates which have been issued by the competent authority. You need to produce the same everywhere.
All the best.
0 Follower 169 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
reshu mah

Contributor-Level 6

IIM, Indore offers a five-year integrated programme in management, which aims to meet the aspirations of young students to become management professionals.
Currently, IIM Indore is the only IIM offering this five-year integrated programme. T
0 Follower 130 Views

Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

Yes of course you do. Prepare well.
0 Follower 161 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
NITIN DESHMUKH Yard by yard its hard, but inch by inch its

Scholar-Level 17

Yes, you can if you score is more than 99 percentile and performs well in selection process (WAT/PI), you have good chances to get in.
0 Follower 93 Views

Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

It again varies in different IIMs and in different years. But it is somewhere around Rs 12 lakhs per annum.
1 Follower 157 Views

Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

Since you are an OBC candidate, you have chances of getting a call. All the best!
1 Follower 137 Views

Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

IIMs only consider CAT scores for PGP admissions and the cut-off varies for different colleges.