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0 Follower 116 Views

Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

Yes, you can get a call. All the best!
0 Follower 85 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Prashant Chauhan

Beginner-Level 4

Hi Rishi,
Calls are given on CAT score,10 percentage and 12 percentage basis. There will be some extra points for gender diversity.
0 Follower 131 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
hardik kundaliya

Contributor-Level 8

An aggregate of 60% in both 10th and 12th is required for the same. Selection will be based on the student's academic performance, scholastic achievements and performance in the aptitude test and PI (conducted in centers including Bangalore, C
0 Follower 404 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Suresh Babu Cheelapogu Sr.Consultant - Management

Scholar-Level 16

What is your interest?
What do you want to become?
Clear these 2 questions and then think of what do you want to do. NLSIU course is valuable and IIM is also a top institute of India.
0 Follower 249 Views

Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

IIM Indore does not consider GMAT scores for PGP admissions. You'll have to take CAT.
0 Follower 138 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Ashok parihar dream it, do it

Contributor-Level 7

No, this is a 5-year course, so you can't leave the course after completing BBA. Further, you can contact the team of IIM, Indore for help.
0 Follower 127 Views

Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

Your CAT percentile is very low. You won't clear the cut-off.
0 Follower 53 Views

Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

This is something that is not declared by the college. But, if you can convey your scores, I can tell you if you have chances of getting an interview call from IIM Indore.
0 Follower 117 Views

Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

The eligibility criteria is changed every year. You should know that IIM Indore considers your 10th, 12th, graduation and latest CAT scores for PGP admissions. There is a certain weightage given to each of these. The candidates who qualify, ar
1 Follower 148 Views

Nidhi Negi

Contributor-Level 6

Yes. All the best.