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0 Follower 167 Views

Sai Trivikram Chintakunta

Beginner-Level 2

Dear Neha, there are chances of your conversion. However, it also depends on the pool of applicants expressing their interest this year. Stay positive and keep yourselves updated with timely information. We wish you the best!
0 Follower 77 Views

Sai Trivikram Chintakunta

Beginner-Level 2

Dear Aman,
Please let me know your category as well.
0 Follower 77 Views


Beginner-Level 2

As per the score specified, the minimum percentile required in CAT is 94.
0 Follower 151 Views

Devesh Gupta

Beginner-Level 3

Overall, experience is great better than other baby IIMs. You have chances. Better wait for this year criteria for selection.
0 Follower 98 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jeevan Kumar

Beginner-Level 2

For general category, sectional cut-off is 75% so you will not be able to convert this year. Good luck for other colleges.
0 Follower 60 Views

Devesh Gupta

Beginner-Level 3

Yes, all seats got filled in 2016.