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0 Follower 431 Views

suraj mahajan

Beginner-Level 1

even you can do MBA in Aviation!!
0 Follower 190 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Gaurav Parsheera

Beginner-Level 5

One can't predict how much %ile would be sufficient for any category. The shortlist for PI depends upon you CAT score along with 10th, 12th and graduation scores, work ex and gender diversity as well. So, a CAT score of 88% and above for SC ca
0 Follower 110 Views

Swarup Raj Jena

Beginner-Level 5

CAT percentile is an important factor in getting IIM call. Though your 10th and 12th percentage are low, you will get advantage of diversity for being from commerce background. Again it depends which IIM you want. For IIM ABC you should get mo
0 Follower 56 Views

Swarup Raj Jena

Beginner-Level 5

You can get a call from IIMK provided your score in CAT is good. Apart from that 10th, 12th percentage should be decent.