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0 Follower 92 Views

Avi Shekhar

Contributor-Level 6

For UG courses (Engg.), it is through IIT-JEE. For PG courses, M.Tech, it is done through GATE and for MBA through CAT score.
0 Follower 55 Views

Avi Shekhar

Contributor-Level 6

Check the official website for the lists and various other notifications.
2 Followers 349 Views

Avi Shekhar

Contributor-Level 6

An IIT will always have its brand value. BITS, Pilani too has its own advantages. Go with it.
1 Follower 59 Views

Avi Shekhar

Contributor-Level 6

For choosing the branch, go with the one that interests you. CS and civil are two absolutely different streams that cannot be compared in terms of education. Both are IITs so equally good. Decide and flourish.
1 Follower 60 Views

Avi Shekhar

Contributor-Level 6

For mechanical engineering, the rank range is 3100 to 5500. For electrical engineering, rank range is around 4700 to 6100.
These are just tentative, actual ranks may differ.
0 Follower 359 Views

Jai Pandey

Beginner-Level 4

UPES rank is 3rd in terms of petroleum engineering. 1st is IIT, Bombay and 2nd ISM, Dhanbad.
You can check the ranking here –
2 Followers 105 Views

Avi Shekhar

Contributor-Level 6

It would depend on what you further aspire. You can take higher studies like M.Tech in various fields or branches in petroleum, or take up management courses like full-time MBA or executive MBA or so.
0 Follower 291 Views

Deepak Gupta

Beginner-Level 5

Both the courses have a good scope. It depends on your interest.
0 Follower 187 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Komal Banka

Contributor-Level 7

As ISM-Dhanbad is now IIT-Dhanbad, it is better than BIT Mesra.