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  • B.Tech. in Mining Machinery Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Master of Business Administration (MBA) IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. + M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - B.Tech. + M.Tech. in Mining Engineering (Dual Degree) IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Mining Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Petroleum Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Integrated M.Tech. in Mathematics and Computing IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Civil Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Chemical Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Environmental Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - B.Tech. in Mineral Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Sc. Tech in Applied Geology IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • EMBA IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Electronics Engineering (Communication & Signal Processing) (SP) IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Sc. Tech. in Applied Geophysics IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Mineral and Metallurgical Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Industrial Engineering and Management IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. in Engineering Physics IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering with Spl in Maintenance Engineering and Tribology IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Executive Master of Technology (M.Tech.) IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - Integrated B.Tech. in Mining Engineering + MBA IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Integrated M.Tech. in Applied Geophysics IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • B.Tech. + MBA (Dual Degree) IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Mining Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Fuel Mineral and Metallurgical Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - B.Tech. in Applied Chemistry IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Electrical Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • MA in Digital Humanities and Social Sciences IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Environmental Science and Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - M.Tech. in Radio Frequency and Microwave Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering with Spl in Thermal Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - Integrated B.Tech. in Petroleum Engineering + M.Tech. in Petroleum Management IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - M.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering with Spl in Manufacturing Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - M.Tech. in Power Electronics and Electrical Drives IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - B.Tech. + M.Tech. in Petroleum Engineering (Dual Degree) IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Engineering Geology IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Petroleum Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • Discontinued (Sep 2021) - Integrated B.Tech. + M.Sc.Tech. in Applied Geology IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
  • M.Tech. in Power System Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)
B.Tech. in Mining Machinery Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)Master of Business Administration (MBA) IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)B.Tech. + M.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)Discontinued (Sep 2021) - B.Tech. + M.Tech. in Mining Engineering (Dual Degree) IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian...B.Tech. in Mining Engineering IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM)+40 Courses
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Anonymous | Integrated M.Tech. in Mathematics and Computing - Batch of 2028
Reviewed on 7 Jan 2024
Placements 5 Infrastructure 5 Faculty & Course Curriculum 5 Crowd & Campus Life 5 Value for Money 5
IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, the best college for everything.

Placements: The course I enrolled in is considered one of the best nowadays, offering excellent job opportunities and packages. Almost 95% of students in my course have secured placements. The lowest package is around 10 LPA, and the highest package reaches nearly 1 CPA. Top recruiting companies include Zepto and Amazon, offering roles such as hiring manager.

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Anonymous | Executive Master of Technology (M.Tech.) - Batch of 2021
Reviewed on 1 Jan 2024
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 3 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 3
The faculty is very helpful.

Placements: An impressive 95% of students in our course secured placements. The range is remarkable, with the highest package hitting 12 lacs and the lowest at 5 lacs. The top recruiting companies are TCS, InfoTech, Google, and Amazon. Internship opportunities are good, with 80% securing positions in esteemed companies.

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Anonymous | B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering - Batch of 2026
Reviewed on 28 Dec 2023
Placements 3 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 3 Crowd & Campus Life 3 Value for Money 4
I would not encourage anyone to take this course because of the faculty members' quality.

Placements: In my CSE course, among our seniors of the @# batch, 94% of all CSE students were placed. The highest package was about 50 Lacs. Top recruiting companies were Sprinkler, Microsoft India, Reliance, and Amazon. About 55% of the 25 batches of CSE students got internships.

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Aditya Kumar | B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering - Batch of 2026
Reviewed on 25 Dec 2023
Placements 3 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 3 Crowd & Campus Life 3 Value for Money 4
ISM has now become real IITs.

Placements: In my Computer Science and Engineering course, almost 95% of students secure placements. The highest package is around 58 LPA, with an average of approximately 23 LPA. Key recruiters include Google, Microsoft, and Sprinklr. About 30% of students secure internships in product-based companies such as Oracle, Microsoft, and Sprinklr. The primary roles offered are mainly in Software Development Engineering (SDE).

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Anonymous | Integrated M.Tech. in Mathematics and Computing - Batch of 2027
Reviewed on 15 Dec 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 3
Good Things of IIT (ISM) DHANBAD.

Placements: The college provides internship opportunities, with renowned companies like Google, Amazon, and Infosys visiting the campus and offering attractive stipends. The placement scenario is favorable, with opportunities arising after the 6th semester. Approximately 90-95% of students secure on-campus placements, and there are also Pre-Placement Offers (PPOs) available for those who have completed internships.

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Md Zartab Nezami | B.Tech. in Petroleum Engineering - Batch of 2026
Reviewed on 6 Dec 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 5 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 4
IIT ISM DHANBAD has good placements in Petroleum Engineering.

Placements: IIT ISM DHANBAD is a premier institute of international acclaim, offering a host of programs such as B.Tech, Dual Degree, Integrated M.Tech, Double Major, Minor, M.Tech, M.Sc. Tech, M.Sc. and MBA. As per the placement statistics for the year 2021, 100% of students were placed in petroleum engineering. The highest package was around 25 LPA, while the lowest package was 9–10 LPA. The average package is nearly 16–17 LPA. The major recruiting companies were ONGC, Cairn, Schlumberger, etc. Most of th...

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Anonymous | B.Tech. in Electronics and Communication Engineering - Batch of 2027
Reviewed on 5 Dec 2023
Placements 5 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 3
Exploring Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad.

Placements: After the sixth semester, students become eligible for placement. There are many companies, including Google, Microsoft, Sprinkler, Walmart and Tata Motors. The average package is approximately 12–15 LPA and the highest package will be 50 LPA in 2022. About 90–93% of students got placement. The remaining students moved towards GATE and UPSC.

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Anonymous | B.Tech. in Petroleum Engineering - Batch of 2023
Reviewed on 28 Nov 2023
Placements 5 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 5
Nice experience of this campus life.

Placements: 100 percent of placements were done last year; the highest package offered was nearly 50 lacs, with an average package of 18 lacs. ONGC, Cairn, Slum Burger, etc. are the major recruiting companies. The petroleum branch at this college is ranked number one in Asia.

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Anonymous | B.Tech. in Engineering Physics - Batch of 2026
Reviewed on 7 Nov 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 5 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 5 Value for Money 4
Good infrastructure and facilities.

Placements: Top role offered is of Senior Software engineer. About 80% students got placed last year. Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Flipkart, Barclay's, and J. P Morgan are the top recruiting companies. About 65% students got internship in the companies like Microsoft, Google, Samsung, Tata Motors, Boast, etc.

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Anonymous | B.Tech. in Mining Machinery Engineering - Batch of 2020
Reviewed on 31 Oct 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 5 Value for Money 4
Yes, I would like to suggest that you become a part of this college.

Placements: At my campus, placement is full. The placement department is fully supportive. The placement department is so helpful. They give a lot of opportunities to students. The placement percentage here is around 80%. All top recruiting companies comes in my college .

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Chirag Arvind Chh ... | B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering - Batch of 2027
Reviewed on 25 Oct 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 3 Faculty & Course Curriculum 3 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 3
Detailed review of IIT (ISM) Dhanbad.

Placements: I am a first-year student at IIT (ISM) Dhanbad, so there has been no placement for our batch till now. But taking reviews from seniors and from the statistics, I have come to know that the placements here are decent. I am from the electrical department, so last year, 82% of the total students in electrical got placed. 175 companies were open for electrical, and around 170 companies were open for all circuital branches. And the average package of electrical was INR 20.5 lacs per year. The lowest ...

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Maharishi Sonwani | B.Tech. in Mining Machinery Engineering - Batch of 2027
Reviewed on 24 Oct 2023
Placements 3 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 3 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 4
Absolutely satisfied with the labs and their resources, as well as the greenery of the campus.

Placements: In the course of mining machinery engineering, the placements are okay. The placement percentage for the year 2023 was 75%. The average package is around INR 15 LPA. And these packages range from INR 7 LPA to 44 LPA, the highest being given by a teaching company for an IT job. Despite being a core branch (or, basically, a subset of mechanical engineering), students get placed into teaching companies for the role of software development, etc. It just depends on the skills of the student.

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Anonymous | Integrated M.Tech. in Mathematics and Computing - Batch of 2028
Reviewed on 21 Oct 2023
Placements 5 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 5 Value for Money 5
Placements are amazing. All required facilities are there. You just need to grab the opportunity.

Placements: More than 85 percent of the students are placed every year. And those who do not sit for the placements either do research or start a business. For the year 2022-23 the highest, the lowest and the average package are 51LPA ,8LPA and 29.6LPA respectively. A total of 79 companies were opened for job just for my department. Some of the them are Oracle, Goldman Sachs, Accenture, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Morgan Stanley, Sprinklr, Quantiphi and many more. Those students who maintain their grades can...

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Anonymous | B.Tech. in Mining Engineering - Batch of 2027
Reviewed on 19 Oct 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 5 Value for Money 5
A good college that has good faculty, infrastructure, and placement.

Placements: The placement is quite decent. The average package at our college is something around INR 16 LPA. The core branch is also famous due to its lucrative package, especially the Petro branch, which is one of the branches of our college. The average package for Petro is INR 20 LPA +.

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Anonymous | B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering - Batch of 2027
Reviewed on 19 Oct 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 3 Crowd & Campus Life 5 Value for Money 4
A lot of opportunities, exposure and memorable college life ahead.

Placements: There has been an improvement in placements compared to the previous year. A total of 1082 on-campus placements were offered for UG students by companies like Amazon, Axel, Flipkart, Tata, Walmart, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Jaguar, Oracle, and Uber. 167 companies were open for the computer science branch, with a placement percentage of 93.13. The average package of computer science is INR 27.29 LPA, with the highest being INR 56 LPA and the lowest being INR 5 LPA. Internships are open from the 5...

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Anonymous | B.Tech. in Petroleum Engineering - Batch of 2027
Reviewed on 5 Oct 2023
Placements 5 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 3 Crowd & Campus Life 3 Value for Money 3
Overall, it is good, as it is an IIT. There are too many things to learn and so many clubs.

Placements: Here, the percentage of students getting placed in the petroleum branch is 100%. The average package here is approximately INR 25 lakh. Students also get placed in government sectors like ONGC. And there are so many alumni who are already in good positions. The petroleum branch will give you a nice package.

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Anonymous | Integrated M.Tech. in Mathematics and Computing - Batch of 2027
Reviewed on 27 Aug 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 5 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 5 Value for Money 5
Absolutely the college is awesome.

Placements: Many famous come to our college for placements. It includes Google, Amazon, Facebook etc. Placement states are amazing as it is an IIT. Placement in Integrated master of technology in Mathematics and Computing is great. As data suggests of last year it's median package is higher than CSE itself.

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Nandyala Vardhane ... | B.Tech. in Electrical Engineering - Batch of 2024
Reviewed on 19 Aug 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 5 Crowd & Campus Life 5 Value for Money 5
Our college has good teachers.

Placements: Almost 80% of students got placed in our college. Some students got pre-placement offers and internships. Many tech giant companies like Microsoft, Google, etc., visit our college. Top recruiting core companies are Siemens, Schneider Electric, and Tata Steel. Placements are improving in our college.

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Shubham Saurav | B.Tech. in Computer Science and Engineering - Batch of 2026
Reviewed on 25 Jul 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 5
Review of IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM).

Placements: Our college provides good placements. Around 93-95% of students got placed in our college. The highest salary package offered is 56 LPA. The average salary package offered is 28 LPA. The lowest salary package offered is 6 LPA. Almost all students got internships in some good companies like Walmart.

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Laukik Jadhav | B.Tech. in Mining Engineering - Batch of 2026
Reviewed on 10 Jul 2023
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 4
Review of IIT Dhanbad (ISM) - Indian Institute of Technology (ISM).

Placements: Almost 95% of students got placed in this course. The remaining 5% of students opted for higher studies. Top recruiting companies are Microsoft, Tata, Tata Power, Tata Steel, Schlumberger, Deloitte, Aditya Birla, etc. You will get decent placements if you work hard.

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