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0 Follower 80 Views

Harshabh Tiwari

Beginner-Level 5

Mtech is always going to help you with you higher studies, does not guarantee to enhance the capability to create start up.
0 Follower 91 Views

Harshabh Tiwari

Beginner-Level 5
please visit their site at above link and find the brochure, the will tell you about details of all their courses. :) have a great day buddy.
0 Follower 141 Views

Harshabh Tiwari

Beginner-Level 5

Well, as much as I know about MBA here at IIT kgp, not IITK*. CAT is the criteria for MBA course offered by Vinod Gupta School of Management. you can drop any further queries, I will try to find out about MAT in a couple of days.
1 Follower 8.6k Views

Kandarp Patel Ambition On Fleek

Guide-Level 12

Greetings from SHIKSHA.
The placements at IIT Kharagpur for Civil Engineering is seen very best. Almost around 95 to 100% every year. This credit goes to training and Placement Cell department of IIT Kanpur.
The average package is around 6 to 8
0 Follower 4.3k Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Swastik Sahu Medical & Engineering Consultant

Scholar-Level 17

IIT, Kharagpur invites the best recruiters in the market during the internship and placement season covering various sectors such as Core Engineering, IT, Finance, Consulting, Automobiles, PSUs, etc.
Electrical engineering is one of the core f
0 Follower 7.8k Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
archit kumar College selection expert

Scholar-Level 16

Agriculture and food engineering design machines and equipment for land preparation, planting and harvesting. They work on incorporation of automation, precision and smart technologies to existing equipment. They aim at reducing crop loss f
0 Follower 4.8k Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Juhi Bansal Explore your self

Guide-Level 14

IIT Kharagpur is one of best college in stream of study and facility. The motto literally translates to "Excellence in action is Yoga" essentially implying that doing your work well is (true) yoga. It is sourced to Sri Krishna's discourse
0 Follower 190 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Priti Raj MBA-HR from IIT KGP, B.E from BIT Mesra

Contributor-Level 7

Yes, you are eligible for MBA but not in IITs as IITs only take students who did their graduation in B.Tech or BE. Apart from that, there are various private colleges who don't consider academics during final selection.
All the best!
0 Follower 244 Views

Apoorv Rastogi

Contributor-Level 10

Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur is one of the best government colleges in India and it ranks in top 5 colleges of India.
It has to offer many courses out of which industrial engineering course offered by IIT Kharagpur has about
120 seat
0 Follower 51 Views

Harshabh Tiwari

Beginner-Level 5

80% of success in IIT depends upon hard work and only a 10% depends upon the sharpness of mind, rest depends upon your destiny. Work hard for 2 years and you will get where you want and deserve. Never give up if you think that's not what you w