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0 Follower 378 Views

Sudha Choudhary

Contributor-Level 10

Average cut off is around 70- 85 percentile.
0 Follower 162 Views

Meet Pasari

Contributor-Level 8

IMT gives weightage to 10th,12th, graduation, work experience and entrance exam scores. You have good marks in 10th and 12th. I would say you have a good chance if you score well in the entrance exams and try to score as much in the graduation
0 Follower 140 Views

Tarushi Pancholi

Contributor-Level 7

Hello Shefali,
I am sorry to inform you that Admissions are already done in IMT Nagpur and selected students lists are out. still you can directly contact Dr. Pawan jain who's email address and contact no you can find on website of IMT nagpur.
0 Follower 85 Views

Meet Pasari

Contributor-Level 8

Average of IMT nagpur is around Rs 7.2 LPA.
0 Follower 117 Views

Tarushi Pancholi

Contributor-Level 7

Hello Neha,
I am sorry to inform you that Admissions are already done in IMT Nagpur and selected students lists are out. Still you can directly contact Dr. Pawan jain who's email address and contact no you can find on website of IMT nagpur.
0 Follower 126 Views

Tarushi Pancholi

Contributor-Level 7

Mail the admission department of IMT nagpur and inform them the proper reason, if fee is paid ask them to refund and have a proper written conversation with them. All the best .
8 years ago How is the food?
0 Follower 159 Views

Tarushi Pancholi

Contributor-Level 7

Food is decent in mess, also we have some student driven stores in campus which provide you stuffs from outside the campus as well as do cook in campus. Everything is also available in the cafeteria.
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0 Follower 101 Views

Meet Pasari

Contributor-Level 8

Yes. The institute is a developing one since it was established a decade back. IMT is a renowned brand with great infrastructure and great faculty with industrial experience. We have various companies such Abrl, Idea, Asian Paints, Phillips, E
0 Follower 93 Views

Meet Pasari

Contributor-Level 8

Not aware of such development.