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Meet Pasari

Contributor-Level 8

Yes, there is a Facebook page by the name of IMT Nagpur Converts 2016-18. You can get yourself added there and ask your fellow students to add you to the watsapp group by sharing your number. All the best!
0 Follower 106 Views

Tarushi Pancholi

Contributor-Level 7

Boys cannot opt for single room in 1st year, rather girls can. Boys and girls both can opt for single room in 2nd year and for single room you need to pay 5000 extra for year.
0 Follower 453 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Archana Sinha

Contributor-Level 7

Yes the college offers dual specialisation and you get a chance to change your stream as well. You can swap it with somebody who wants your stream in exchange of theirs
0 Follower 99 Views

Tarushi Pancholi

Contributor-Level 7

Yes placements are provided mostly in metro cities like mumbai, pune, banglore, hyderabad, delhi, etc and moreover it depends on company were they give you location.
0 Follower 86 Views

Meet Pasari

Contributor-Level 8

Median CTC for Marketing at IMT Nagpur : 7.5 LPA
0 Follower 100 Views

Tarushi Pancholi

Contributor-Level 7

Transportation is provided by clg to city two days in week. Wednesday and saturday.
0 Follower 103 Views

Tarushi Pancholi

Contributor-Level 7

No there is no uniform.
0 Follower 143 Views

Meet Pasari

Contributor-Level 8

12 lakhs for 2 years includes everything. Campus is of 27 acres. The infrastructure is great with the facilities needed.hostel, sports, academic, etc.
0 Follower 107 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Archana Sinha

Contributor-Level 7

Average package is around 6.5lpa. Almost 90%+ students are placed by now
0 Follower 260 Views

Meet Pasari

Contributor-Level 8

Marketing has been our flagship course. Finance has been lately picking up the pace and coming to par with marketing. Companies for both domains has been increased with their packages increased as well.