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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore is a well-known institution for B.Sc., M.Sc., Certificate, M.Lib.I.Sc. courses. These programs are delivered by highly experienced faculty. As per Shiksha verified reviews, Indian Statistical Institute,
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Atul Mishra

Beginner-Level 1

Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore has been rated 4.3 on Infrastructure parameter.
Indian Statistical Institute, Bangalore provide good facilities all around the campus such as Auditorium, Boys Hostel, Cafeteria, Girls Hostel, Gym, Hostel,
0 Follower 19 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer

Scholar-Level 17

There are no fees for studying BMath at ISI Bangalore. Students are provided with a monthly stipend of INR 3000 and an annual contingency grant of INR 3000. The stipend is paid for the entire duration of the program, which is four years. The c
0 Follower 576 Views

Nishant Kumar

Contributor-Level 8

Yes, if only you have taken Statistics as your optional subject in university undergraduate course.
0 Follower 26 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr. Uma Sinha Principal

Scholar-Level 17

Hi. For information, you can see the link given below-
0 Follower 182 Views

P Mittal

Contributor-Level 10

Chandigarh University (NAAC A+ grade University) has become an undisputed pioneer around there. Flood in corporate of 60% visiting the college stands declaration to the fantastic exhibition by our Alumni in the particular fields. Chandigarh Un
0 Follower 519 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

The B. Math (Hons. ) at ISI Bangalore is a premier undergraduate degree programme in India that offers comprehensive instruction in mathematics along with courses in Probability, Statistics, Computer Science and Physics. It is so designed that
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heena agrawal try to give best solution..

Scholar-Level 17

Speaking very frankly, except some negative review almost all are positive. University has to remain in touch with corporate world, so that students come to know about the practical implementation of their bookish knowledge, and it also hel
0 Follower 205 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Sunil Soni Management & IT Consultant

Scholar-Level 18

You are requested to confirm for which degree and branch you are seeking information.
0 Follower 151 Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

You will have maximum 3 years to admit in Master's degree after your graduation. Good luck.