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0 Follower 161 Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

Viva Bharati University is a university with national importance, so definitely it's class is quite high. If you see the statistics department here, it is of excellent level contrary to similar type of universities. Good luck.
1 Follower 326 Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

The basic eligibility criteria is:
10+2 (or its equivalent) with mathematics and English. The admission is based on the entrance exam conducted by Indian Statistical Institute. Good luck.
0 Follower 3.4k Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

Theoretical and Applied Computer Science courses are more advanced in CMI compared to ISI. But, at least the computer Science course structure at CMI is very well organized. So, I will conclude my answer by saying that if you are not from Olym
1 Follower 58 Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

Yes, you can pursue statistic in B.Sc Honours from ISI-Kolkata. Good luck.
0 Follower 243 Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

First thing, the interviewers ask you in which branch you are comfortable. They mainly focus their questions on that branch. Before appearing you please be clear yourself the very basics of the particular branch. Good luck.
0 Follower 103 Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

Yes, you can give ISI entrance exam in May 2019. Good luck.
1 Follower 53 Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

No, ISI Kolkata does not offer B.Sc Mathematics program online.
Good luck.
0 Follower 75 Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

Yes, you are eligible to give ISI exam. Good luck.
0 Follower 37 Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

Indian Statistical Institute, conducts the Indian Statistical Institute Admission Test abbreviated as ISI Admission Test. Admission to the academic programmes offered at the ISI-K IS strictly based on the merits obtained by the candidates whic
0 Follower 112 Views

salma bee

Guide-Level 15

Yes, you can give ISI entrance exam in May 2019. Good luck.