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0 Follower 34 Views

Navita Batra

Guide-Level 13

You will need to contact the college authorities for industrial visits. It completely depends on the discretion of the college.
However, the colleges does provide summer internships for both MBA and PGDM courses.
0 Follower 89 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aditi Agrawal

Guide-Level 12

The process varies from company to company. There is no fix process, but mostly the process which is been followed is written round, then GD then PI.
1 Follower 749 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
divesh rewatkar Struggles makes you stronger.

Contributor-Level 6

ISBS offers both PGDM and MBA (I have done MBA from ISBS itself).
Even IIMP offers both PGDM and MBA.
If you want me to rank all Indira college, I will rank as below.
1)IIMP-Indira Institute of Management Pune
Due to faculty members having rich
1 Follower 54 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
divesh rewatkar Struggles makes you stronger.

Contributor-Level 6

I don't think, they offer International business. My friend took admission with same intention, but then college refused to do so, as he was the only one interested to take IB among all. So, finally he had to take finance.
2 Followers 161 Views

Ritesh Jain

Contributor-Level 7

Yes, you have a chance to get admission in this institute.
1 Follower 111 Views

Pranami Sharma

Contributor-Level 9

Both are the same as both the colleges are under the same university and are following the same pattern. So, there's no difference syllabus wise, but the professors are different in both the colleges.
0 Follower 78 Views

Pranami Sharma

Contributor-Level 9

Yes, there's a fair chance to bag any one of these, as the cut-off is s 87% for HU and 89% for OHU students.
1 Follower 99 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Jill Shah

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Mayurm
For IES MCRC admissions for PGDM are closed. So you could try for executive MBA as for MS you would need CET score. I would suggest you to take experience and then go for Executive MBA.
0 Follower 175 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aditi Agrawal

Guide-Level 12

Yes, there are some chances that you can get admission in this college.
0 Follower 32 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Aditi Agrawal

Guide-Level 12

Yes, you have fair chances of getting admission in it.