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Ashutosh Gupta | B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration - Batch of 2022
Reviewed on 3 Apr 2022
Placements 5 Infrastructure 3 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 4
I am satisfied with the course, faculty and good placement.

Placements: Around 80% of students were placed in our college. The highest salary package is 7 LPA, the lowest salary package is 2 LPA and the average salary package is 5 LPA. Top recruiting companies are Radisson blu, Obrero, Taj group of hotels, and JW Marriott. Almost every student got internships from this course in Radisson blu, Taj Vivanta and ITC. Executive chef, Front office manager, F& b manager, Housekeeping manager are the roles offered.

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Shreyosi Mahanta | B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration - Batch of 2024
Reviewed on 4 Apr 2022
Placements 5 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 3 Value for Money 4
Absolutely satisfied with the course and infrastructure.

Placements: Almost 80% of students were placed in our college. The highest package offered is 5 LPA, the lowest package is 2 LPA, and the average package is 3 LPA. The top recruiting companies are Radisson Blu, Oberoi, Taj Group of Hotels, JW Marriott etc. Almost every student got internships from this course in Radisson Blu, Taj Vivanta, ITC etc. Executive chef, front office manager, F&B manager, housekeeping manager, etc., roles are offered.

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Shivani roy | B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration - Batch of 2021
Reviewed on 7 Mar 2022
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 4
The college is totally worth it.

Placements: Almost 80% of students were placed in our college. The highest salary package offered is 7 LPA, the lowest salary package offered is 2 LPA, and the average salary package offered is 5 LPA. Top recruiting companies are Radisson Blu, Oberoi, Taj Group of Hotels, and JW Marriott. Almost every student got internships from this course in Radisson blu, Taj, Vivanta, and ITC. Executive chef, Front office manager, F&B Manager, housekeeping manager are the job roles offered in our college.

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Praneet Ghosh | B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration - Batch of 2019
Reviewed on 19 Jun 2019
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 3 Crowd & Campus Life 3 Value for Money 3
Overall Average experience. Can achieve good image with necessary changes.

Placements: Overall placement is good. 80%-90% are placed Better than last year More companies came down with MT programme Companies- Reliance, KFC, Speciality restaurant, BBQ nation, Oberoi hotels, Leela hotels, Accor group of hotels, 4 season hotel, Park hotels, FASSOS, ITC hotels etc. Placement cell is not efficient. Lack of co-ordination with Students as well as with companies. Lack of initiatives for inviting new companies.

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Prashant Kumar | B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration - Batch of 2018
Reviewed on 7 Apr 2018
Placements 3 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 3 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 5
You will get everything from knowledge, job, college life everything.

Placements: It is good. I got 3 campus placements and if you have some capability you will definitely get placement. Main thing is your confident and eye to detail knowledge. This year we didn't get that much placement as it happens as due to some reasons but overall you it is nice. around 80 % students got placements.

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Abhik Dasb | B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration - Batch of 2018
Reviewed on 27 Jan 2018
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 5 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 3
It is a good college with modern kitchen, restaurant labs, and library facilities.

Placements: IHM Guwahati has a very good placement record. Almost every student of our last 2 batches got selected in various training programmes (OT, HOT) in many reputed international hotel chains all over the world, mostly in India. The Oberoi, Marriott, Westin, the Leela Group etc., visit the campus. The hotel chains hire their employees for the functioning of various departments of their hotel like food production, service, housekeeping, front office, etc.

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Dharmangshu Sharma | B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration - Batch of 2013
Reviewed on 10 May 2017
Placements 3 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 3 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 3
Improvement is required, overall.

Placements: The campus and the off-campus placements were good. About 60% of the students secured a job. The highest salary was Rs. 30,000 per month and the lowest was Rs. 10,000. The roles were of manager level or steward. According to the best of my knowledge, about 50% students went for an internship. The highest stipend offered was Rs. 500 and some students were not paid any stipend.

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Shish Banerjee | B.Sc. in Hospitality and Hotel Administration - Batch of 2021
Reviewed on 7 Mar 2022
Placements 4 Infrastructure 4 Faculty & Course Curriculum 4 Crowd & Campus Life 4 Value for Money 4
Just loved IHM, Guwahati

Placements: Almost 80% of students were placed in our college. The highest package was 7 LPA, the lowest was 2 LPA, and the average was 5 LPA. The top recruiters were Radisson Blu, Oberoi, Taj Group, and JW Marriott. Almost every student got internships from this course in Radisson Blu, Taj, Vivanta, and ITC ltd. The top roles offered are Executive chef, Front office manager, F&B manager, and Housekeeping manager.

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