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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Subhajit M Gormandize Kolkata obsessed,Biriyaani, Mohanbagan

Guide-Level 11

It is not bad for MBA but better to avoid for PGDM like costly investment and give entrance for better score. Probably, you are investing a huge amount for a life time career and not just a degree with uncertain job profile. I was alumni of on
0 Follower 45 Views

Sarvesh Kinfer

Guide-Level 13

Yes, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences provide lateral entry for BE in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, for more details check the link below:
0 Follower 227 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Subhajit M Gormandize Kolkata obsessed,Biriyaani, Mohanbagan

Guide-Level 11

Hi Anupam,
In Noida, knowledge park GLB brand reputation is better than ITS-Ghaziabad. Faculty members are helpful always. You also have to focus in average in hand salary of your favorite field and take a LinkedIn alumni tour to check job sus