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0 Follower 186 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
SHIVANT KUMAR PANDEY I am a Full Stack Developer.

Guide-Level 11

Yes, you will get it as it is good to rank.
0 Follower 21 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
SHIVANT KUMAR PANDEY I am a Full Stack Developer.

Guide-Level 11

You will get it if your rank is below 100000.
0 Follower 17 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello B Praveen Kumar, Getting the branch of CSE is challenging for students from all categories. This is so because almost every student gives this branch as first choice. As a result of this, cut off are very stiff. To help you I'm attaching
0 Follower 3 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello SVC SSS, I am attaching a link that will give you all the required information about different aspects of Thapars.
Best wishes to you.
1 Follower 101 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Group Captain Vinayak Deodhar La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser

Scholar-Level 18

Hello Mohammad Chati, firstly let me congratulate you for being in suchva fantastic position. NIRMA being private engineering institution, is quite nimble and quite student centric. They manage to get lots of employers during placements season
0 Follower 13 Views


Beginner-Level 1

With the latest flagship courses I can definitely say Sri ramswaroop memorial is better. Having industry specific courses with IBM SRMU takes the edge.
0 Follower 1.7k Views

Sangya Kumari

Contributor-Level 6

Well I would like to say that Chandigarh University is the best University for each and every discipline that it provides. Chandigarh University (CU) is a leading Indian Institution offering its students a unique amalgamation of professional a
0 Follower 6 Views

Akanksha Shinde

Contributor-Level 10

As the question itself says you can try out ATMIYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & Science if you wish to try on Engineering, but if you want to get into Post Graduate Diploma in Management you must try to get into Lexicon MILE. Check out about thei
0 Follower 14 Views

Akanksha Shinde

Contributor-Level 10

While there is nothing much to say about ATMIYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY & Science (MCA). It is overall all a good college. But if you ask me about Lexicon MILE, they offer many unique and extremely helpful experiences for their students. Some
0 Follower 15 Views

Akanksha Shinde

Contributor-Level 10

If you are confused to select between Lexicon MILE or AHMEDABAD INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY you must opt for Lexicon MILE because they are committed to students engagement for insightful learning and they also take a deep interest and attention to