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Nilesh Tripathi

Beginner-Level 1

Eligibility is been calculated on the basis of 1st and 2nd semester overall performance (internal participation in Debate, Competition, presentation, cases etc.). So, out of 170 80 students have been placed and still the companies are coming i
0 Follower 31 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
pradeep kumar Sr. Section Engr(Design)

Scholar-Level 18

The CMAT percentile between 75 to 80 are very good enough for admission into this college for MBA program.
1 Follower 71 Views

Usha L Moji Positive thinker!!

Contributor-Level 9

Hi Pankaj,
For getting admission, you must take up any one of the entrance exams. So, until you have written any qualifying exam you will not be eligible for admission for MBA.I would recommend you to take up any nearing MBA entrance exam.
All t
0 Follower 136 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Prashant Pandey

Contributor-Level 10

IPER Bhopal strictly takes CMAT score under consideration for MBA admissions.
However, IF you missed CMAT, then also you can apply and get into counseling on the basis of your Bachelor's Degree percentage.
All the best
0 Follower 129 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Biswajit Dutta

Contributor-Level 6

Dear sahib, I can share all the information about my college with you, than its up to you to compare with other colleges and take decision. IIEBM is in the field of education since 1951 and Indus Business School since 2000. IIEBM provides only