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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Bhumika Khattar

Guide-Level 12

It can be, yes. A few of the biggest hot spots for North Americans studying abroad do actually allow foreign students to work while they're there. But many of them have restrictions that make it impossible to do so legally especially if you're
0 Follower 47 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Moin Nargund Aspiring Student

Guide-Level 12

The Fundamental Differences Between B.Tech Computer Science & B.Tech Information Technology,is that Computer Science Branch give emphasis to the development of software by using different programming tools, & It also gives importance to hardwa
1 Follower 41 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Deepak Yadav live the life the way you want.

Contributor-Level 9

Dear Sagar, please elaborate on your question because it seems to be incomplete.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Neeraj Kumar

Guide-Level 12

Well, if you get placed in an IT company then it doesn't matter wehether you were a CS or non CS student.
These companies provides very good trainings before putting you in any project.
Let me share my friend experience , he did his in EC