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Raj Verma

Contributor-Level 7

You can visit the college website and contact their admission cell for the latest and most accurate information regarding admission.
0 Follower 14 Views

Raj Verma

Contributor-Level 7

Best courses at JIMS engineering management technical campus are BBA ( Bachelor of Business Administration) and LAW ( BA-LLB & BBA-LLB). Talking about BBA, JIMS has been :
~ Ranked 9th in the Northern Region by GHRDC BBA colleges surevey2021 ~
0 Follower 22 Views

Raj Verma

Contributor-Level 7

If you want direct admission in JEMTEC then you can apply for management quota seats. For more information about management quota you can visit their website and reach out the admission cell. If you want direct admission then I would say hurry
0 Follower 30 Views

Raj Verma

Contributor-Level 7

If someone fails in college internal exams, the consequences can vary depending on the specific policies and practices of the college or university. Here are some common outcomes that may occur:
1. Academic repercussions: Failing internal exams
0 Follower 10 Views

Raj Verma

Contributor-Level 7

JEMTEC has an wide range of courses available at an very affordable fees. BBA LAW, BCA B.Tech etc. , are it's most popular courses with great rankings in their fields! The subject teachers are world class which is the main reason behind their
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Raj Verma

Contributor-Level 7

If someone misses the internal exam without any valid reason he/she may be rewarded 0 marks in that exam which will affect his overall CGPA. But if there are some reason due to which he/she missed the exam, he should contact subject teacher or
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Raj Verma

Contributor-Level 7

Starting your first year at JEMTEC College can be an exciting and transformative experience. Here are some helpful tips specifically tailored to JEMTEC College:
1. Attend orientation programs: JEMTEC College likely offers orientation programs f
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Prachi Beriwal

Contributor-Level 10

The student strength can vary from year to year and depends on various factors such as the number of available seats, programme popularity, and admission intake. To obtain the accurate and up-to-date information about the student strength at J
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Aditya Dhanraj Singh patel

Contributor-Level 7

Your abilities will determine where you end up most. The college won't help you land that job if you lack the appropriate skill set that the employer is looking for. However, if you have a wide range of talents, you won't need the college for
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Aditya Dhanraj Singh patel

Contributor-Level 7

As students are now focusing on the labs, classrooms, etc. When picking a college, the infrastructure of a college plays a crucial part in the development of the college. It is crucial that institutions have first-rate facilities, like cutting