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0 Follower 27 Views


Beginner-Level 2

Well it's because if you couldn't be able to score into a high fees college or high cutoff is the problem, then this college is best for you because it provides IPU degree with the best in infrastructure and low fees in the entire Greater Noid
0 Follower 32 Views

Sameer Syyed

Beginner-Level 2

Very supporting
0 Follower 345 Views

Utkarsh Kumar Pandey

Beginner-Level 1

In my opinion JIMS is better among the two mainly because jims has a better studying environment and great teaching faculty, apart from that the college also focuses on the overall development of the student by conducting various seminar, curr
0 Follower 8 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Vishal Singh Pal Do something for us but silently

Contributor-Level 7

Hello nitish, if you talk about gl bajaj, so you are right that this college is not so big but it's faculty and infrastructure is very decent and good. When you go inside the college you got a formal environment here.
0 Follower 99 Views

Utkarsh Kumar Pandey

Beginner-Level 1

Yes, of course. I mean this collage has good infrastructure, great teachers excellent environment and what else is needed.
Also the fees is responsible unlike other institutions which charge very high fees. Moreover the authorities are quite le
1 Follower 950 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Shruti Garg

Beginner-Level 3

Jims GREATER Noida is a better option as the faculties are experienced and have a good knowledge and even they are very cooperative. The campus is also safe and calm. It provides each and every facility which benefits the students and apart fr
0 Follower 88 Views


Beginner-Level 1

Two canteens and the quality of food is good and price is fair. Both the canteens are always clean.
0 Follower 39 Views

Shivangi Chadha

Beginner-Level 1

I will soon have to bid affectionate adieu to this magnificent college. I had joined the JIMS family in the year 2015 and beyond the shadow of a doubt, I am taking along delightful memories and most importantly love from the college faculty.
0 Follower 38 Views

Gaurav Mittal

Beginner-Level 1

Yes, the college does provide WIFI but it isn't something you can really count on in my experience. Usually over crowded and slow as snail.