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0 Follower 47 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Joshi Nadh

Beginner-Level 5

I appreciate the kind of interest you are showing towards KIAMS.
To be frank i dont have any idea about ITM Kharghar.If your interested in marketing then your selection is absolutely right. You can build your marketing skills well in KIAMS, the
0 Follower 235 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Swastik Sahu Medical & Engineering Consultant

Scholar-Level 17

KSOM is better option having better placement
0 Follower 152 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Zubin Mehta Expert Advisor for Senior Management.

Scholar-Level 17
kiit has
0 Follower 457 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Joshi Nadh

Beginner-Level 5

I appreciate the kind of interest you are showing towards KIAMS, Harihar and i don't have any idea on BIMHRD (Balaji-Pune).
Coming to KIAMS, it will groom you according to the industrial requirement in every specalization. Follow the link below
0 Follower 102 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Joshi Nadh

Beginner-Level 5

I appreciate the kind of interest you are showing and coming to the Placements and package details (Max:14L,Avg: 8L,MIn 5.5L)almost 90% of current batch have been placed with good packages. KIAMS having potential placement cell and it depends
0 Follower 106 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Joshi Nadh

Beginner-Level 5

I appreciate the kind of interest you are showing towards KIAMS and coming towards your way you have been selected. we are in way to enhance the placement of HR and students are very verse talented. A bunch Of companies came for recruitment an
0 Follower 84 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Joshi Nadh

Beginner-Level 5

KIAMS having potential placement cell and it depends upon the capability and ability of the student KIAMS will help you in building these things. I appreciate the kind of interest you are showing and coming to the Placements and package detail
0 Follower 64 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Joshi Nadh

Beginner-Level 5

I appreciate the kind of interest you are showing and coming to the Placements and package details (Max:14L,Avg: 8L,MIn 5.5L)almost 90% of current batch have been placed with good packages. KIAMS having potential placement cell and it depends
0 Follower 206 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Joshi Nadh

Beginner-Level 5

I appreciate the kind of interest you are showing towards KIAMS and coming towards your way you have been selected, HR best faculties with industrial exposure available for HR to groom students.The best way of resources are available for every
0 Follower 92 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Joshi Nadh

Beginner-Level 5

I appreciate the kind of interest you are showing towards KIAMS and coming towards your way you have been selected. we are in way to enhance the placement of HR and students are very verse talented. A bunch Of companies came for recruitment an