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0 Follower 124 Views

Amit Gupta

Contributor-Level 6

Hey jaydeep
You have scored pretty well in your entrance exams
As there is fair chances of getting in the list as well
About management seat you can call on the institute number for details about it
All the best
Hope you make it
Thank you
0 Follower 76 Views

Amit Gupta

Contributor-Level 6

Hey Faiz,
You have scored pretty well in your exams , as there are fair chances of you getting in. You are for sure eligible.
The timings are from 9.45am - 5.00 pm
All the best
Thank you
0 Follower 58 Views

Amit Gupta

Contributor-Level 6

Hey Ganesh
Sorry to say Ganesh but 57% won't be sufficient to make it in our college
as last years cut off was 80 percentile
Thank you
1 Follower 290 Views

Amit Gupta

Contributor-Level 6

Hey Divya
You can apply through DTE process, or for more information you can call at our institute landline number for further details , regarding admission i can't say much as last years cut off was 80 percentile.
wishing you all the best
0 Follower 49 Views

Amit Gupta

Contributor-Level 6

Hi Rashi,
Almost 92% of the candidates got placed this year from marketing ,
the maximum package is Rs.5-7 Lakhs P.a
Thank you
0 Follower 138 Views

Amit Gupta

Contributor-Level 6

Hey Sidhant
You have scored well in your entrance exam ,
and yes you do stand a chance this year
as last years cut off was 80 percentile
All the best
Hope you make it
Thank you
0 Follower 465 Views

Amit Gupta

Contributor-Level 6

Hey there!
Congratulations for scoring 92 percentile in you entrance exam
Selection of colleges depends on the stream that you're taken
There are various parameters which needs to be considered
While choosing the right college,
I would suggest
0 Follower 48 Views

Amit Gupta

Contributor-Level 6

Hey Zain
Congratulations for scoring well in your entrance exams,
according to last years cutoff there are chances of you making through it,
wishing you all the best !
Thank you
0 Follower 136 Views

Amit Gupta

Contributor-Level 6

Hey Ketan
You have scored pretty well in your entrance exams,
There are chances of you getting by last CAP round.
Really can't say much as it depends on the number of students who have applied, and also the cut off percentage every round.
0 Follower 265 Views

Sudha Choudhary

Contributor-Level 10

Total Fees - (INR)-3,00,000
(Included: Tuition Fees | Not Included: Admission Fees, Hostel Fees, Other Fees)