Maliba Pharmacy College
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Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) 

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
Maliba Pharmacy College 


6 years

Course Level

Doctorate Degree

Mode of Course

Full Time

Total Tuition Fees

9.24 Lakh

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Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
Maliba Pharmacy College 

Fee componentsAmount (6 years)
9.24 Lakh
9.24 Lakh
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Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
Maliba Pharmacy College 
Students Ratings & Reviews

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Chetan Ashok Deore Verified Icon
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) - Batch of 2024
Offered by Maliba Pharmacy College
3Placements4Infrastructure4Faculty4Crowd & Campus Life4Value for Money
Review of Maliba Pharmacy College.
Placements: Pharma.D is a clinical-based program that covers the area of more medical-related things than the industrial sector which is covered under B.Pharma. So the placements in the course through college are less due to less awareness of the Pharma.D profession in India. The packages are not offered by the college but it is on the skill and knowledge of a Pharma.D professional according to that one gets placed in hospitals and accordingly, the package is offered. As Pharma.D is a more clinical-based program so companies don't recruit any the person needs to try on its own to get placed in any big multi-specialty hospital like Apollo, etc. The course of Pharma.D is started at this college, so the first batch of Pharma.D is not passed out as the course duration is 6 years and totally for internship and college will provide that. Top roles of Pharma.D professionals are in clinical fields like clinical pharmacist, pharmacovigilance, and research work, etc.
Infrastructure: All the facilities like Wi-Fi, laboratories, classrooms, and library are provided by this college. The facilities are good in comparison with other colleges. The college infrastructure is very attractive and a good environment is provided. Hostel is also well managed, and all the facilities are available with good quality food in mess, and also has sports room in the hostel.
Faculty: The teaching staff is qualified in the field of pharmacy and has experience in the field of teaching of at least 10 years. As the course is clinically related students are taken to hospital visits and are made ready for hospitals. The course curriculum is followed under the guidelines of the pharmacy council of India. Exams are divided into 4 parts. Three internals and one external exam each year, and the difficulty level is high.
Other: The students who are willing to make their career in the clinical field should pursue this course. I decided to take this course to do something in the field of clinical awareness among people. The thing can be better if the council will allow Pharma.D professionals to engage in the government sector also. Events and festivals are carried out every with high enthusiasm and spirit all the students participate in different programs events. Scholarships are also available for financially backward and bright students based on their merit. Extracurricular activities like sports events are organised each year in December month. I would rate it 4 out of 5.
Reviewed on 27 Nov 2021Read More
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Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
Maliba Pharmacy College 

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