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Harsh Kumar

Beginner-Level 2

MANIT, Bhopal is an autonomous university under the concern of government. It is not affiliated to any of the university.
0 Follower 76 Views

Harsh Kumar

Beginner-Level 2

Well, in accordance to the previous year's stat, for Home State (HS) quota-closing rank of different branches (7th round) are as follows:
CSE-2010, ECE-3554, EE- 3470, ME- 3086, civil- 1414, chem- 5041, and MSME- 7136.
For Other State Quota (OS)
0 Follower 807 Views

Sumit Sahu

Contributor-Level 6

Check out the college website and admission procedure or contact the number mentioned on it.
0 Follower 65 Views

Sumit Sahu

Contributor-Level 6

Cutoff varies per annum, basically selection is based on merit list. Check out website for more details. For admission on u need to personally verify the document at campus.
1 Follower 70 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Harsh Ranjan College Selection Expert

Scholar-Level 17

Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology is another best choice for B.Arch after NIT, Calicut. College was established in 1960 as a public funded institution and now known as one of the best NIT colleges in India.
Admission in B.Arch cour
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Sumit Sahu

Contributor-Level 6

No, you need to go through procedure that will be around May-June. You may join in July.
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Sumit Sahu

Contributor-Level 6

Nearly 170+ for other state and 120+ for home state quota.
1 Follower 133 Views

Sumit Sahu

Contributor-Level 6

That criteria depend on the category and state you belong. Ensuring 170+ will be required for general and if you are expecting good branch.
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Sumit Sahu

Contributor-Level 6

Its rare in any college that architecture students get selected on campus. Same is with MANIT. You can't rely on campus placement. Yet MANIT architecture is one of the best available in country.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Swastik Sahu Medical & Engineering Consultant

Scholar-Level 17

CSE is undoubtedly the better branch at MANIT. If you consider academics, it's pretty much the same as all the other NITs. This year nearly 75% students got placement offers. Big firms like MS, Google, and Epic Systems visit the campus, so if