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0 Follower 67 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Swastik Sahu Medical & Engineering Consultant

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Dear,
It is less predictable that you'll get admission into any government medical colleges at this score. However, you can try for private medical colleges in your state.
0 Follower 114 Views

Chetna Parashar

Beginner-Level 4

Where are you from? I mean which state? Do ask again with marks and state. Then, we will be able to guide you better.
1 Follower 668 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
snehil vats Attitude,not aptitude determines altitude

Contributor-Level 6

Dear, if you belong to UR category, then you will get private college and if you are in SC/ST, then there are some chances of getting government colleges.
0 Follower 620 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Swastik Sahu Medical & Engineering Consultant

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Dear,
You have scored very well in your category. But it will be difficult for you to get admission any government dental college for BDS. You need 400+.
0 Follower 115 Views

D Ayesha

Beginner-Level 3

Hi Ankita,
As you have scored good than there are chances for you. Try for it.
All the best.
1 Follower 63 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
snehil vats Attitude,not aptitude determines altitude

Contributor-Level 6

It depends on how much marks you got and belong to Eric category. Besides MBBS students who got low marks can also see for Ayurveda, physiotherapy, BDS, nutrition and dieting. There are so many options.
0 Follower 98 Views

Sree Vignesh Sundaresan

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Priti,
The fee structure varies from college to college. As you are asking for a private medical college, it may be around 5 lakhs - 25 lakhs or more depending on the college.
0 Follower 132 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Lalit choudhary Current Student- DTU, Delhi

Guide-Level 15

You are advised to use Aakash NEET college predictor tool as we cannot predict a college with your NEET score.
1 Follower 251 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Swastik Sahu Medical & Engineering Consultant

Scholar-Level 17

Hello Dear, Though you have scored well but it's less predictable that you'll get admission into any government medical colleges. You can try in private medical colleges in your state.
0 Follower 257 Views

Elavarasan Venkatesh "I can do anything but not everything"

Contributor-Level 9

Dear Meghana Devi,
Yes, it is possible to get admission in government medical college under 15% quota, because most students are not interested in studying in other states (like north-south or south-north). Let's hope for the best.