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3 Followers 214 Views

Dipankar Saha

Beginner-Level 5

For general category candidates, the rank requirement was around 2900 last year.
1 Follower 365 Views

akshita srivastava

Beginner-Level 2

You will not get MAMC because you need 530+ for it and if you are an outside Delhi candidate, there is less possibility but there's some in your own state by your 85% state quota. Otherwise, it is difficult by AIQ 15%.
0 Follower 1.5k Views

gurdeep gujjar

Beginner-Level 4

Ukraine will be best for you and search for Kharkiv University, it is the world's best university and you can purse MBBS and MD together, also the cost is quite affordable, it lies between Rs.20 to Rs.25 lakhs.
0 Follower 286 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Zubin Mehta Expert Advisor for Senior Management.

Scholar-Level 17

Yes, chances look decent. You can get decent and average colleges but not the best ones. All the best.
0 Follower 128 Views

dilpreet kaur

Contributor-Level 6

Jamia is a university like delhi university with different departments offering different courses. yes medicine is also a department.
0 Follower 100 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Dr Navarun Varma Lecturer, NUS

Guide-Level 12

Under 60 lakhs will be hard to find. Courses lasts for three to five years and tuition fee per year would be around 16 lakhs minimun for a lower grade university , you must not forget the living expenses. Education loans are something you need
0 Follower 452 Views

rohit s lal

Contributor-Level 9

are u looking for MBBS.or para medical fees structure.?
0 Follower 116 Views

Dr Mohsin Khan

Guide-Level 13

Congratulations for completing MBBS. Are you interested for Diploma in OBS and Gynaecology or Masters Degree ? Please specify.
1 Follower 412 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Prasoon Sharma

Contributor-Level 8

50 to 80 l
some time less of you could clear their entrance
0 Follower 116 Views

Dr Mohsin Khan

Guide-Level 13

You can get admission in a government medical college.