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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Zekham Ruchika Phukan

Beginner-Level 4

If you belong to the general category and if the cutoff trend remains the same as last year, you will make it through Miranda House by the 2nd cutoff. Even if cutoffs increase by some percent, you still have chances to make it through this yea
0 Follower 141 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
ashutosh chauhan

Guide-Level 13

You can include physical education as a subject but in percentage your 2.5% has to be deducted. For more information you can download the brochure of Delhi University and you can also check out the last year's cut off for different courses on
0 Follower 60 Views

Shiksha Ask & Answer
Zekham Ruchika Phukan

Beginner-Level 4

Depends on the course because cut-offs differ from subject to subject. Mention your choice of subject so that I give you a clear view. There are courses where you can get admission with a best of 4 percentage less than 95% and in some courses
0 Follower 169 Views

Rakhi Bhardwaj I'm delhi university student..

Guide-Level 11

Miranda House is best for you because its placements are too good and it is one of the topmost colleges of Delhi University.
0 Follower 604 Views

Rakhi Bhardwaj I'm delhi university student..

Guide-Level 11

Honors has more subjects than BA. So have to choose as per your interest.
0 Follower 332 Views

Rakhi Bhardwaj I'm delhi university student..

Guide-Level 11

Miranda House is best in terms of everything. So you must refer this.
1 Follower 70 Views

Rakhi Bhardwaj I'm delhi university student..

Guide-Level 11

The forms will be out in the month of May or June. Please check the website.
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Shiksha Ask & Answer
Zekham Ruchika Phukan

Beginner-Level 4

It completely depends on your course. Some courses have higher cutoffs whereas some have comparatively lower cutoffs. Please specify!
0 Follower 24 Views

Glory Simran

Beginner-Level 4

Yes, you can definitely study for your graduation and certificate course simultaneously. Many students do that even I did that. Just see to it that your certificate course does not overlap with your normal college timing as attendance in both
0 Follower 81 Views

Rakhi Bhardwaj I'm delhi university student..

Guide-Level 11

Yes, this is true, 2% will be deducted if you're changing your stream.